After getting home from months away, we went right into having Open Studios (an artist's event in Santa Cruz) for two weekends in a row. Daniella was showing her paintings again, and did VERY well, but it meant having about 100+ people a day cruising through our home, for four days. That's over, but it required a level of energy that was hard to summon up after all the traveling.
Next, I've been begged to come back and do a little more work at the University, so I've been going up about 10-15 hours a week for that. It's good to earn a little extra, but working is for - well - working people, not for us retirees! We like to have all of our time to use freely! I find that this is becoming a good habit!
We just took another short trip to Santa Barbara and Ventura - a two day adventure to drop off paintings at a new gallery for Daniella down there.
Meanwhile I've signed up for two small art classes - one about portrait painting, and another one for more in-depth charcoal drawing. Each meets once a week, and so far they are great. For me this is pure pleasure, even though I'm a little intimidated by the "real" artists in the group. I'll get there!
Add to that the daily phone calls I've been making for MoveOn.org to encourage voters to get out and cast their ballots all over the US. Now I'm about to be trained to be a poll volunteer and work at the polls on election day, particularly keeping an eye on the electronic balloting process. As I've said before, not much scares me like the fraudulent voting tactics that have been popping up all over this country. I am looking for ways to do whatever I can to make our local process work as smoothly as possible, and to participate in this election in the most meaningful way. I've already sent in my absentee ballot - now I hope it will get counted!
Sorry, dear blogger friends - I haven't been much of a pal lately. I appreciate all of you who have left me such wonderful comments, even so! Many thanks!