Saturday, March 11, 2006

Dramatic Weather in Santa Cruz

The last few days have been stormy. For Santa Cruz, that means quite a bit of rain, with sunny patches in between. Last night it got dramatic, for here. There was a massive thunder and lightening storm (never happens), with many hail storms rattling down in between. The TV was blocking out programming and sending those red and black ticker-tape warnings across the screen - "storm alert, huge thunderstorms throughout the night, make your peace with the Lord, etc." We tried to sleep, but were awakened often by wall-shaking thunder claps. Wowie! This morning when we looked out the bedroom window, this is the sight that we saw. Mind you, snow on the ground is about a once-in-10-years occurence in this mild seacoast town of ours, so we think it is a big deal! Of course it will all be melted shortly in the radiant sunshine of the morning.


Endment said...

Thanks for the photos. I spent a couple of years near La Selva beach and find the pictures amazing.

Enjoy the snow. Those of us in the cold North East are enjoying temperatures in the 60's today :)

robin andrea said...

Hey Sigrid-- You had quite an amazing storm. My twin brother sent me some photos from his yard in Santa Cruz. Fantastic. So unusual, and so pretty. We're having a 3rd day of blue skies and temps in the 40s and 50s. We'll be out today taking a walk -- somewhere.

Taradharma said...

this sure was a wild night -- I remember it well! Hard to sleep with all the thunder and hail. our yard was coated, too, and the camera without charged batteries! Argh!!