Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Next Stop India

We are leaving for India on Saturday.  This has been a lifelong dream of mine, and it is finally happening, partly as a celebration of this year being Daniella's and my 20th year as a couple!  Wow, did that whiz by!  We will travel with a group of 8 friends from Santa Cruz, and will visit both Northern and Southern India, as much as we can do in 3 weeks together.  We'll be going with Overseas Adventure Travel, the same organization who took us to Turkey two years ago.  So I'm packing, which is to say that I have a pile of stuff I'm sorting through and weighing:  take or leave?  Since it will be hot, in the 80's and 90's there, and here it has been cool, it's hard to imagine I'll bring the right stuff.  Layers, as always, but thin ones!  We've been getting all our shots, malaria pills, and various remedies for whatever might ail us as we travel (fingers crossed, we'll be fine).

If all goes as planned, I'll be blogging throughout this journey.  This depends on the availability of wi-fi, the compatibility of my camera/iPad combo, and the energy level I find at the end of each day!  But feeling as terrific as I feel, I'm not too worried about that aspect.

And so it begins, another thrilling journey.  I'll be missing the grandchildren like crazy.  When they are little, a few weeks makes a huge difference for their growth - especially the baby.  I hope someday that we will be able to travel with them on adventures such as this one!  Namaste.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to your posts from India! Have a safe and wonderful journey.