The summer is passing quickly by on Whidbey Island. As you know, this blog has been silently collecting cobwebs most of the summer, while I've been busily enjoying myself here. There have been many moments when I thought I'd write something, but somehow they all went by unrecorded. Some of the things I considered posting included:
... the birth of a new colt next door in the pasture. He is chestnut colored, with white socks, and it has been wonderful watching him explore his new world, try out his gangly body, and romp around in the meadow.
... a kildeer who made a nest on a driveway down the street, not 5 feet from the roadway, in a gravel bed. She nested for over a month, fiercely defending her eggs from the neighborhood cats, dogs, coyotes, eagles, osprey, and people, finally hatching three healthy chicks. They grew quickly and vacated the nest, presumably all surviving. Madame Kildeer's defense tactics included feigning injury, to distract attention from the nest, dragging her wing or tail and shrieking pitifully as she hobbled around the driveway. It was great local drama for several weeks, and the source of many conversations with concerned neighbors cheering for a safe outcome.
... Zuma's latest accomplishment, catching and eating a small rabbit. Well, she is a rat terrier, and her genetic pre-disposition came through for her! I think it is the first time she's ever caught anything. We have (thankfully) an absence of rats, but a huge abundance of bunnies here.
... the 49 shades of grey that we have been living in for much of the summer here. This is not a complaint - it has been lovely in its way, and cool too. When everything is grey, the colors of all the plants and flowers and birds pop out dramatically against the leaden skies. The flowers and vegetables and fruit trees are abundantly producing this year, cherries, plums, peaches, apples, and tomatoes all dripping with ready harvest.
... oh, and the millions of blackberries about to be ready for the picking, literally everywhere, everywhere, everywhere.
... a day trip to San Juan Island, on a ferry, threading through many small islands en route, on a perfectly sparkling day, crisp and sunny.
... a richness of good books and movies. Add to the list from the last post a recommendation for a fabulous Danish film,
After the Wedding, a rich and complex family story with so much development of all the characters. It is one of the best and most thought-provoking films I've seen in many years.
... the pleasure of spreading out in this borrowed house, having a huge kitchen and guest rooms, so that we have had the chance to entertain friends and family from off the island, and cook some pretty great dinner parties too!
... my ongoing despair with and rage at the current political regime. Every day, just when you think it can't get any worse, it gets worse. I stay well-informed and read a lot of news and commentary, and agonize about what to do to change things. You might think it would be easy to detach from it and just enjoy life on this beautiful and simple island, but I find that to be impossible, even without TV. Thinking about the people of Iraq and Afghanistan, the immigrants now being held in custody here in the US, the families who are homeless or without health care, the gross inequities between the rich and poor, the degradation of the environment, the lack of concern on the part of so many of us. Well, don't get me started....
... anyway, things are good here, and I'm so grateful for all the blessings of my everyday life, big and small. Let's hope that the miracle of peace comes to the world soon!