Friday, April 09, 2010

Countdown Time

We are scrambling to get ready to travel, doing all the little stuff needed to leave the house for a month. Just finished planting a little veggie bed, a leap of faith if ever there was one, leaving those pathetic little seedlings to the vagaries of my sprinkler system and not much else. Grow little sprouts, be well!

Most time consuming is all the paperwork involved, organizing tickets, itineraries, addresses, passwords, PINs, packing lists, to-do lists, making copies of documents, leaving home paperwork in order, paying bills, and so much more - oy vey, oy vey!

Hardest to leave behind: family, loved ones, and furry companions. I know they'll all be fine without us, but it is hard to walk out the door, especially with those wistful doggy faces at the window looking crestfallen.....and of course not seeing Desmond for a month is a grim prospect. I will miss him terribly.

So tonight for a break or reward, we went to the movies! The Secret of Kells is an animated film from Ireland and Hungary, loosely based on the medieval Book of Kells, with it's brilliant illustrations. This film simply knocked me for a loop, it is SOOOOO beautiful. Forget your Avatar, I'll take this magical allegory any time. I could watch it again and again and be just as smitten every time with the gorgeous graphics and drawings, and the visual loveliness of every minute of this film. WOW!!! Go see it!

Tomorrow .... a new list, a few more things to check off! Monday morning we fly out to Europe!

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