Thursday, June 01, 2006

You've gotta love this headline!

Just saw this headline on Yahoo news! Bush admin. wants to cut meth use 15 pct.

The content of the article is inane enough. Cut meth use by 15%? Why not 17% or 25% or, golly, 100%? How did they pick such a low-ball number? But the headline itself sent me into such laughter! If only meth use was the key to why the Bush admin is so whacked out. We could send them all to rehab, lock, stock and barrel. But no, as usual they want to fix (15%) of everybody else, not themselves. Sigh.....


Anonymous said...

I read that at first as cut math use 15%.

Somehow, that seems more believable...

DivaJood said...

That's just hilarious. Incredibly hilarious. Tragic, but hilarious.

Cyndy Goldman said...

they're all on Crack!

Anonymous said...

I suppose there is some valid reason for it being 15 percent, but it does make him sound like a C student, doesn't it?