Our morning coffee stop was at this hilarious roadside attraction, dedicated to good food, safe sex, and obviously having fun with both.

And then, Oh Another Temple, this one high atop a mountain overlooking the ancient walled city of Chiang Mai, where we are now staying. This temple, besides it's stunning views, offers amazing art, life of Buddha in wall murals, and a charismatic monk who kept urging us "come closer". He sprinkled us liberally with holy water from a palm frond, and said a prayer, then chatted about where we were from. Sweet guy!

Then we wandered down hill through a lively street bazaar, tasting little things as we strolled along. We visited a jade factory and watched craftsmen carving exquisite pieces using dental drills.

Later to our great hotel, fab dinner, and an hour cruising the sprawling night market of Chiang Mai. Did I mention that the food in the last week has been getting better and better? Not that it has been bad, but now we are in Lada' s turf and she is taking us to some extra great places!!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:Soi Ku Tao 1,Chiang Mai,Thailand
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