Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Crashing a Wedding

On the ride back from Tin Keow Village, we were passing through a tiny village when our guide shouted "wedding", the driver screeched to a halt, and we jumped out and joined the party. A parade was in process, with drumming, singing, and clapping. People carried small white candles. Inside one house, the groom sat with his family, around what appeared to be a flower tower or wedding cake shaped centerpiece. Outside, in the back of a pickup truck, was a gilded, framed photo of the happy couple. The bride was nowhere in sight. We milled around with the crowd and watched. In the back yard, people were cooking food for a crowd, while men drank beer at picnic tables. Suddenly the mood shifted. "She's coming, she's coming!" And there she was, the elegant bride. She came into the room, took her place at her husband's side, and the ceremony began. At that point we quietly withdrew! Photos courtesy of Lada, our guide.

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Location:Luang Prabang, Laos

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