Workshops are over! Six of them behind us. Daniella wowed Australia with her incredible professionalism, huge breadth of knowledge, and over-the-top sense of humor. It is a winning combination and people here are begging her to come back, and sooner rather than later!
Yesterday was a great finale to the class. People did "brilliant" work in the class, and mid-day we got take-away Vietnamese soup and sat out in the sun for a tasty picnic together. It felt good to clean all that equipment and then pack up our 10 boxes for the last time. I was utterly exhausted by the end, but we walked down to Chinatown for one last meal of "Ripper King Prawns" and Asian greens with garlic.

Oh, and I forgot to mention breakfast, pictured above. We were out walking and since it was Sunday morning, not much was opened. Then we saw people streaming into a small alley. We followed, and found a tiny, hidden jewel of a place where we sat outside on milk crate stools and ate the MOST divine breakfast we have had in OZ, and there have been some winners. D. had eggs Benedict, and I ordered the muesli. It was more like a rich granola full of macadamia nuts, covered in Greek yogurt, and a mix of raspberries, strawberries, and blueberries soaked in rose water. It was heavenly!! And some of the best coffee and chai latte of the trip too. Who knew that macadamia nuts are from Australia, more common here than in Hawaii??!

Here are a couple of random photos from the class. Sophie gave us a huge gift at the end, a copy of a big book of her gorgeous paintings, with a loving inscription. It you want to google her, she is Sophie Gralton, a fabulous painter and out-of-control fun person. She and Celia together are like an all day fireworks event, too much fun!! We will see them both once more, tonight in Sydney. Which reminds me. Get up. Pack. Go to airport. Fly to Sydney. Have one more day of fun. Fly to California! Yaaaay!!

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Location:Brisbane, AU