Saturday, July 02, 2011

Melbourne Day 2

 Yesterday we took a tram from our hotel up to the Queen Victoria Market, a famous open-air market here in Melbourne.  It was quite fascinating and mouth-watering.  In fact we had a delicious breakfast there, Daniella opting for one of their spicy bratwurst sandwiches, and me for a smoothie!  After that we hopped on a train and made our way to Chapman and Bailey where the encaustic class is happening this weekend.  

All day we were there while D. taught an enthusiastic group of 12 students.  Many of them knew of her through her DVD and book.  One of the men rushed into the room early in the morning, gushed about how thrilled he was to meet "THE" Daniella Woolf face-to-face, said he had watched her DVD and couldn't believe he was actually going to get to take her class, then threw his arms around her in a giant bear hug.  This girl has Rock Star status in Australia, at least in some people's eyes!

After a long and fun day, we were taken to dinner last night by Mark and Daina, the couple who own and run Chapman and Bailey, a phenomenal art-supply and framing shop, which caters to some of Australia's top artists.  A delicious ending to the day, great Italian food.  We are the lucky girls this month!!

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